Two members of the Appomattox Senior FFA chapter competed in the statewide FFA
Horticulture and Agriscience Demonstration contests held at the State Fair of Virginia. Larken
Harris and Savannah Jones competed in the contests. Each member prepared a demonstration
on an agriculturally-related topic of their choosing and presented it to a panel of judges. After
their 12-minute demonstration, they were given 3-minutes to answer any questions judges had
about their project.
Larken Harris competed in the Artistic Arrangement division of the Horticulture
Demonstration contest and was named the 2023 State Champion! She demonstrated how to
create a “Boho Hanging Floral Design.” She walked judges through the preparation process, the
designing steps, and after-care of the arrangement. Additionally, Harris shared details on how
to identify the flowers used in the design and how florists price arrangements.
Savannah Jones competed in the Agriscience Demonstration contest and placed 11th.
Her demonstration was titled “How to Artificially Inseminate (AI) Cattle.” Jones walked judges
through the parts of a bovine reproduction tract, reasons to use AI, identification of equipment
required, and how to prepare those tools. Additionally, she showed judges how to properly
and successfully complete the process of AI. Both teams were coached by ACHS Agriculture
Teacher and FFA Advisor Cassie Long.