Food and Nutrition
Appomattox County Public School Food Service Department participates in the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) National School Lunch Program(NSLP), which is governed by the Child Nutrition Act. Recent changes to the Child Nutrition Act require:
A fruit or a vegetable must be on the lunch tray
A variety of vegetable choices offered throughout the week- including dark green, orange/red, beans and starches.
Minimum and maximum calorie limits for each school
Maximum sodium (salt) limit for each school
Increased serving sizes of fruits and/or vegetables
Decreased serving sizes of bread/grain
Bread/grains must be whole grain rich (51% or more whole grain)
We hope your child will enjoy the meals at Appomattox County Public Schools and wish you a happy and productive school year!
Meal Prices
All meals are free for all students.
Adult Breakfast- $2.75
Adult/Student Milk- $0.45
Student Extra Breakfast- $1.00
Adult Extra Breakfast- $1.50
Extra juice-$0.50
Adult Lunch-$4.70
Adult Entre-$2.50
Student Extra Entre-$1.25
Ice Cream-$0.75
Cookies- $0.75
Bottled Water-$0.75