Due to construction at the Appomattox high school field, the middle school home football game scheduled for Monday September 9th has been changed to an away game. The game will be played at Dunbar middle school at 6pm.
3 days ago, William Pettus
Appomattox middle school will conduct a lockdown drill tomorrow September 6, 2024
3 days ago, William Pettus
AMS Fall picture day will be Wednesday September 11, 2024. Parents and guardians may signup to receive alerts when images are ready at: https://my.photoday.com/s/LTBW/68589
10 days ago, William Pettus
Parents and guardians of the AMS cross country team members. AMS students will not be participating in the Meet this afternoon due to the extreme heat. Student will need to travel home by their normal transportation plan.
12 days ago, William Pettus
Parents and guardians, due to the extreme heat index for today, the AMS golf match against Halifax has been rescheduled for tomorrow at five and the AMS football scrimmage has been cancelled. Neither team will practice today August 28, 2024.
12 days ago, William Pettus
FFA News for the week: FFA Horse Judging will practice Tuesdays and Thursdays after school until 5:00 with Mrs. Moore at APS in Room D116. Bring a note to ride bus 28. FFA Forestry Field Day will practice Wednesday at ACHS until 5:00. Have your Land Lab Waiver completed and turned in, and bring a note to ride the Activity Bus. FFA Crops will practice Thursday at ACHS until 5:00. Bring a note to ride the Activity Bus.
13 days ago, Appomattox Middle School
Sports for the week of 8/26 Wednesday, August 28th AMS Volleyball vs. Dunbar Home Game Time: 5:30 AMS Football vs. Nottoway (Scrimmage) Away Game Time: 6:00 Bus: 4:30 AMS Golf vs. Halifax Home (Falling River) Match Time: 5:00 AMS/AHS Cross Country Southside Invitational Meet Time: 5:30PM
13 days ago, Appomattox Middle School
This is a notification that AMS will conduct our first lockdown drill of the school year tomorrow August 23, 2024
18 days ago, William Pettus
Good evening, AMS Families! On August 8th, from 11:00 am to 6:00 pm will be the AMS Open House. Families are welcome to come, pick up their children's schedules, and visit teachers and classrooms. Families who have not finished registration will have the opportunity to do so at one of our registration stations that will be set up. For students who will be in 7th grade this year, please bring required vaccination documentation if you have not already done so. AMS Administration will be hosting three voluntary parent information sessions in the cafeteria at 1:00 pm, 3:00 pm, and 5:00 pm. These information sessions will cover changes in AMS policies and programs this year. We are looking forward to seeing all of our returning students and look forward to a great start to the 2024-2025 school year!
about 1 month ago, Brendan Conroy
On May 14th at 3:30 at the high school, there will be a "mass physical day". This is an opportunity for the student athletes to have their sports physicals completed ahead of time for the 24-25 school year. The cost is $15.
4 months ago, Appomattox Middle School
Seventh graders - we will be going on our field trip to AJ Skateworld on Thursday, May 23rd. The 7th grade field trip forms will be given out tomorrow morning by your homeroom teachers. Make sure to get forms signed and returned by Thursday, May 16th.
4 months ago, Appomattox Middle School
8th graders - 8th grade dance permission slips are due next Tuesday, May 14th and AJ Skateworld permission slips AND waiver are due Thursday, May 16th.
4 months ago, Appomattox Middle School
Due to field conditions and the forecast rain, the AMS soccer match with Rustburg today May 6th has been cancelled. No word yet on the AMS Baseball and Softball games at SRMS.
4 months ago, William Pettus
On Saturday, May 4th our Appomattox Raider Band went to Williamsburg, Virginia and competed against bands from Maryland, North Carolina, and Virginia. The Raider Band was the best, and brought home the GOLD MEDAL. The Band earned 1st place in the single A division and was awarded GRAND CHAMPION out of all divisions. This is the 5th Grand Champion in Appomattox school history! Way to go Raider Band!! We are proud of you!
4 months ago, Appomattox Middle School
Students are required to turn in a chrome book with a charger and the device in the case. If you do not return a charger you will be required to pay $30.
4 months ago, Appomattox Middle School
On May 14th at 3:30 at the high school, there will be a "mass physical day". This is an opportunity for the student athletes to have their sports physicals completed ahead of time for the 24-25 school year. The cost is $15.
4 months ago, Appomattox Middle School
AMS track will practice today at the normal time.
4 months ago, William Pettus
The Appomattox Middle School Track meet scheduled for today has been cancelled for today April 30.
4 months ago, William Pettus
Students are required to turn in a chrome book with a charger and the device in the case. If you do not return a charger you will be required to pay $30.
4 months ago, Appomattox Middle School
The last week of school we will be having a field day. In order for you to attend, you must have no bus or school referrals, no ISS, no OSS and have less than 4 absences from today to the last week of school. We are planning for lots of fun activities and competitions along with snow cones!
4 months ago, Appomattox Middle School